Our proprietary algorithms
Our algorithms serve as the cornerstone of our offerings. You have the option to utilize them by effortlessly copying the signal or downloading our software to trade by yourself.
Here below are M3 and SBM, two of the algorithms developed by our team.


M3: MeanMotionMaster

Fully automated high frequency trading (up to 200 trades/day)

M3 is a mean reversion algorithm that harnesses the concept of leverage and makes it work in your favor. M3 is one of the most performant FX trading algorithms on the market.

200 parameters to finetune to match your requirements & targets 
> Live news filter to protect from major events
> Trade of multiple pairs simultaneously to diversify on uncorrelated assets
> Emergency breakeven system to protect your capital
Automated Trailing system to maximize your profits
High quality historical data to backtest your strategy with real market data


SBM: SuperBigMac

Fully automated confluence (up to 10 trades/day)

SBM is a confluence algorithm based on patterns detection and indicators. Trades are open only when market conditions are the safest and with the most potential for reversion.

> 16 algorithms used in confluence
40 parameters to finetune to match your requirements & targets 
> Live news filter to protect from major events
> Trade of multiple pairs simultaneously to diversify on uncorrelated assets
> Emergency breakeven system to protect your capital
Automated Trailing system to maximize your profits
High quality historical data to backtest your strategy with real market data